Hire Me

I began writing as a child. Short stories, fairy tales, and the beginnings of my memoirs filled my time-outs. Of course they were rubbish, but I was determined to finish a novel by age 12 … at least, until Spongebob Squarepants came on the television.

In high school, as a last-ditch effort to avoid a second semester of hearing un, deux, trois with a well-meaning but ineffective French teacher, I joined the newspaper class and realized the fruits of my childhood fantasies.

After two successful years as my high school newspaper’s lead columnist, I came to Baton Rouge in 2007 to study at LSU’s Manship School of Mass Communication, and earned my B.A. with a minor in business administration in May 2011. While I specialized in print journalism during my schooling, I learned about all aspects of the world of mass media through classes, internships and jobs.

I write, and I write well. Mass communication and media completely enthrall me. Whether it’s feature writing, social media, public relations, advertising or marketing, I’m captivated.

Prior to my 2015 move to Houston, I served as the communications coordinator for the LSU Foundation in Baton Rouge, where I wrote, edited, curated and helped design a 40 page semi-annual magazine; managed the website’s content; managed the social media networks; worked with advertisers; and performed daily miscellaneous tasks that fall under the “coordinator” heading.

My current role is “manager, social marketing and community strategist” at Luminess Air.  That means that, for all three of the company’s brands, I manage all social media accounts and blogs; oversee the influencer programs; work with graphic designers on marketing content; assist with new product development; and oversee the creation of new (and editing of old) copy across the company.

In my free time, I work as a freelance writer and social media strategist, author a blog, and enjoy life as best I can. Head to my contact page to let me know how I can help you and your business.